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Saturday 13 September 2014

The best 5-star hotels for a meal Brunch in the UAE

The St. Regis Abu Dhabi

Villa Tuscany - Italian Branch of the menu
Terrace Villa Tuscany
Terrace Villa Tuscany
Here is what does not have other places that offer meals Brunch, the opportunity to spend time with family and friends during a meal, which is characterized by Villa Tuscany providing meal Brunch from the menu, so you will not have here to move back and forth between the buffet dishes, as in other places, but you will spend your time where you should be; on the table with the one you love. Under the name of "Pranzo Stefano universe" or "Lunch with Stefano", offers a wide selection of classic Italian dishes from Umbria and Emilia Romagna, Tuscany in favored by chef at the restaurant, Chef Stefano Viola. Here you will feel as if you're in a normal weekend in one of the restaurants in the heart of Italy.
Pizza first Scoglio in Villa Tuscany
Pizza first Scoglio in Villa Tuscany
Chef Stefano pass on each table by himself, and the work of a dedicated menu and simple, but the flavors are rich appetite using the best ingredients, to satisfy all tastes. Appetizers include here Alborata Italian cheese with tomato soup and bread, or eggplant with Parmesan cheese, or grilled octopus with potatoes cooked. The main dishes, you'll find yourself in front of several options and delicious things like roast lamb, or Fiorentina Pizza with grilled pears and walnuts, or ribollita soup, which is famous for its Tuscany, with Bezl pesto bread. The desserts are pastries include cheese ravioli with Alskamorza Sorbyh, honey and lemon, and a dessert tiramisu flavored coffee, gilet Mhoudraly way home. The Visitors children, they can enjoy their own meals through the list of baby food.
Opens "Pranzo Stefano universe" from noon to four in the afternoon, and prices start meals from 250 AED with soft drinks (these prices are subject to local tourist tax of 16%).

Conrad Dubai

Pilaro and The How - Branch relax in the outdoors, on Friday and Saturday
Sweets Branch Pilaro Conrad in Dubai
Sweets Branch Pilaro Conrad in Dubai
You can enjoy the different options of meals Brunch at the Conrad Hotel Dubai, according to Friday or Saturday, or both if you want. On Friday, Pilaro serves meals Branch in the special atmosphere of  relaxation in the outdoors, in the garden terrace overlooking the pool. Meet international dishes here all tastes, from Italian to Indonesian, French and Filipino.
The Branch Kaif on Saturday in Conrad Dubai
The Branch Kaif on Saturday in Conrad Dubai
The Branch Kaif starts early on Saturday, the eleventh hour of the morning, and offers great options, from breakfast dishes, from a list of private dining.This list includes the distinctive what awakens feelings of nostalgia and memories of the old classic dishes; dish eggs Benedict with crab Dngenas, and Konfah duck with mashed potatoes and fried, and French toast made with banana bread.
Branch Restaurant Palaro starts from 12:30 pm to 4 pm on Fridays, with prices starting from 265 AED with soft drinks. The Branch Saturday at The Cave, starts from 11:00 to 5 pm, dishes from the menu, and the prices start from 245 drinks.

Palm Desert Bear Akum

Restaurant Rare - gourmet boutique Branch 
Branch Restaurant in Dazi Rare Bear Akum
Branch Restaurant in Dazi Rare Bear Akum
Friday antique, aptly named for this Brunch in the restaurant Rare winning several awards, in Palm Desert Bear Akum. Go here in the amazing journey in the world of luxury European dishes, with Asian Nafahat nice. High quality and sophistication, waiting in Rare, in addition to the care of severe attention to detail that characterize Report on the rest of the restaurants. You can eat a meal inside the restaurant, or on the outdoor terrace, and this is our preferred option because of its magnificent view of the polo stadium, and the city of Dubai in the horizon. We suggest that you plan to be a visit to Rare during a polo match, to ensure for yourself and those with you a wonderful experience.

Department of oysters in Branch Rare - Palm Desert Bear Akum
Department of oysters in Branch Rare - Palm Desert Bear Akum
Here there is a huge variety of options that meet the tastes of visitors Rare.Dishes include high-end offering here, Foy gras with fruit-sweetened, and sirloin beef.
Friday antique open to visitors from 12:30 pm to 4 pm on Fridays, with prices starting from 295 AED with soft drinks, per person.

Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi

Oregnz - Buffet Branch traditional for families and fans of Formula 1
Restaurant Oregnz
Restaurant Oregnz
Views of the Yas Marina Circuit Formula 1, and the club is dedicated to children to entertain your kids, show Brunch at Yas Viceroy is best for families.Oregnz restaurant features modern design, and welcome, as the rest of the other hotel facilities. Oregnz list offers traditional dishes Branch but in his own way. In each time you visit Oregnz, you will find different sections, in one of the visits, we found there is a section of caviar, and a second visit and found department to prepare sushi. During the periods of the year where the weather is moderate, it would be wonderful to sit in the open air, and enjoy the view of the racetrack, but you're there at the right time, you may enjoy watching racing cars racing at the track.
Department of seafood in Oregnz Branch
 Department of seafood in Oregnz Branch
Roast different sections located out in the open air, in addition to the grill marine and Eastern. Will not be able to resist the temptation Alraoih pure here, which once Ststncgaha provide meals Brunch. But do not forget to keep a place for dessert, here offer the best varieties available in Abu Dhabi, in addition to the chocolate Naforta different, with the types of fruit and sweets that accompany them.
Origins Opens Branch from 12:30 pm to 4 pm, with prices starting from 195 AED with soft drinks (these prices are subject to local tourist tax of 16%).

Cape Town .. beauty of the present, and the pain of the past

and more cities that have high diversity of cultures, so it is a process to explore and identify them closely, of the most important things that you should do the loving travel, even for a once in a lifetime. Here you can see the city from the top of Table Mountain, or enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Cape Point, or Aanlandz, in addition to more activities and tours in Cape Town, magic and beauty. Read this quick guide to get an idea of ​​what you can do in Cape Town.
Cape Town
Cape Town

Table Mountain

Table Mountain cable car - Source: Wikipedia
Table Mountain cable car - Source: Wikipedia
The experience of riding a cable car from Table Mountain adventures that do not have any visitor to the city should miss, here you can get a fantastic opportunity to see the city from above. If you want to go to an adventure here, you can going down the mountain on a rope, on an exciting journey for a distance of 112 meters is not for the faint of heart. Here will have to see Robben Island small on the horizon that the weather was clear.

Culture and history

Robben Island, from the top of Table Mountain - Source: Wikipedia
Robben Island, from the top of Table Mountain - Source: Wikipedia
For identification and truly on the city of Cape Town, and the era of apartheid in South Africa, it is very important to visit Robben Island Museum and the sixth sector to learn more about this difficult period of history of the country.Robben Island is famous for being the place of imprisonment of the late South African leader, Nelson Mandela, where he spent 18 years in a maximum security prison here, before the end of the period of apartheid. The Museum of the sixth sector, it is a museum in the city of Cape Town, is dedicated to highlight the story of the sixth sector of the city, which has been made accessible exclusively "for whites only", during the seventies of the twentieth century, after the evacuation of the population Al60000 indigenous force, and transferred to the Cape Flatt, then the destruction of their homes en masse.
Include other places worthy of a visit, the house slaves and the museum and the dome in the heavenly Azyko, and the National Gallery, and the parliament.About all these milestones from each other, a few minutes walk.

Cape Point, Point Peninsula

View of Cape Point, South Africa - Source Wikipedia
View of Cape Point, South Africa - Source Wikipedia
You should also take a trip to the beach Alzhl Cape Peninsula, which is 60 kilometers south-west of Cape Town. There is at the head of the Cape Peninsula, Cape Point Natural Reserve, part of Table Mountain National Park.Classified within this region of the world heritage sites, which is not surprising, for this region, which is home to an important factions deer, baboons, zebras, in addition to more than 250 different species of birds. You can take a trip on board a railway outstanding "The Flying Dchman" at an altitude of 286 above sea level, and admire the view of the rugged rocks, steep slopes and in Cape Point, which is breathtaking.

And Aanlandz

Cape and Aanlandz - Source: Wikipedia
Cape and Aanlandz - Source: Wikipedia
Only an hour's drive, which is separated between Cape Town and Cape Aanlandz and famous, which gives a great opportunity to enjoy the scenic view of the green nature of this land. Here will have a wonderful tour which travels through the beautiful vineyards, and behind the majestic view of the mountains and the countryside to flow on the slopes. There is near this area some of the most famous towns in the region: Paarl, and Franscoak, and Stellenbosch, in addition to a number of destinations that are worth the visit actually farther.
To get here : when both Emirates and the European Union, trips to Cape Town. Emirates Airline twice a day to Cape Town directly, and takes 9 hours and 50 minutes. As for Etihad Airways flights with a stopover in Johannesburg, takes 13 hours.

Cape Grace

4 months with free transportation, breakfast and tour 4
Cape Grace Hotel - Source: Flickr
Cape Grace Hotel - Source: Flickr
Take this great offer, and spend four nights in a wonderful Cape Grace Hotel, which overlooks the interface Victoria and Elizabeth Marine characteristic, which is bordered by mountains tipple. This boutique hotel in the heart of Cape Town, which is close to many of the most beautiful and the most important tourist attractions of the city.
The views of the hotel on the sea and the mountains together, feature just one among the many advantages of the hotel. The offer includes also a number of other tours in Cape Town and the surrounding areas:
 Second day : a private tour for half a day in the city and Table Mountain.
Third Day : a private tour for a full day at Cape Point and the Peninsula.
Fourth day : a tour for a full day in and Aanlandz.
 This elegant hotel, is the perfect place for travelers who want to do tours organized, and well-prepared in advance.

A quick tour in Vietnam

Our visit was only to Vietnam, a quick visit from part of a tour in Southeast Asia, which shocked a lot of transformation and the overall urban renaissance, in this war-torn country. This trip was quite satisfactory for us as a couple; liked the local food dishes, and the natural beauty of the breathtaking area, while my husband found much interested on what Vietnam wars provoked admiration and utter fascination. Here we would like to introduce you to the most important plants that visit.
Motorcycles in Vietnam
Motorcycles in Vietnam


Hanoi city known as the "city surrounded by rivers", which is the capital of Vietnam. The history of the creation of this ancient city to the year 1010 AD.Thanks to the cultural and historical landmarks, streets and ancient houses, which includes Vintage, and buildings of the French colonial era, and paved tree-lined neighborhoods, poetic and romantic lakes, Hanoi is considered the cities of Asia, which has a unique charm and rare beauty.
Turtle Tower, Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi
Turtle Tower, Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi
Hoan Kiem Lake, and Temple Ngoc Sun-This lake is located in the center of Hanoi, which is home to the kind of large endangered turtles. The name means "Sword of return," which is taken from ancient mythology that tells of a sacred sword, to dedicate one of the kings of Vietnam by the turtle, and then returned to it later.
Water Puppet Show - Theatre Thang Long
Water Puppet Show - Theatre Thang Long
Theater Thang Long - Here you'll learn the stories of the Vietnamese folklore, representing influential Offer Water Puppet.
The tomb of Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi
The tomb of Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi
The tomb of Ho Chi Minh City - where lies the body of the founder of Vietnam.
Presidential Palace - Hanoi
Presidential Palace - Hanoi
The presidential palace of the French colonial era - one of the finest examples of French architecture in Hanoi, it was here the headquarters of the ruling French works.
Temple Chua death Cote, Hanoi
Temple Chua death Cote, Hanoi
 Temple pagoda "Chua Cote death" - built in the century atheist century AD in honor of Avalukitishvara, the Buddha of compassion, which is similar to the lotus flower that emerges from the waters of the lake in its design.

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay - Vietnam
Ha Long Bay - Vietnam
Not complete the trip to Vietnam without a cruise in Ha Long Bay is stunning. means the name of Ha Long Bay in Vietnam "Dragon Bay bearish", which is derived from the ancient Vietnamese legends that speak of a giant dragon falling from the sky in this spot. This is famous for being one of the wonders of the world, and a World Heritage Site, and the estimated age of 500 million years. Includes Gulf 2000 islands scattered in the area of 1500 square kilometers.
Cave Dong Thien Kong - Ha Long Bay
Cave Thien Kong - Ha Long Bay
Cave Thien Kong (Palace of Heaven), and cave Dow gu (wedges of wood) - Use the latest in storage wedges of wood in the thirteenth century, by the military commander of Vietnam, Tran Hung Dao, for use Kofajakh of rhythm warships Mongolian in battle, Bach Dang, famous .

Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon)

Reunification Palace - Ho Chi Minh City
Reunification Palace - Ho Chi Minh City
Reunification Palace - was formerly the Presidential Palace of Vietnam, and the southern seat of government during the period of the Vietnam War, up to the end of the month of April 1975, the building is now a museum featuring exhibits, especially the war, including fortifications and command center in the basement.
Vietnam's National History Museum
Vietnam's National History Museum
Vietnam's National History Museum - displays the history of civilization Vietnamese here, in the chronology of prehistoric times, passing through an era of feudal dynasties in the Middle Ages, and the facility with antiques and monuments of cultural significance and moral large.
Notre Dame Cathedral Sagun
Notre Dame Cathedral Sagun
Sagun Cathedral of Notre Dame - Cathedral, Roman-style, which is characterized Bbergan new bells, built by the French in the nineteenth century, using building materials were brought specially from Marseille in France.
Between Thanh Market
Between Thanh Market
Between Thanh market - due date of the establishment of this market to the French in 1870, became a clock tower at the entrance to the market, symbol of the city.

Ku Chi tunnels

Away from the center of Ho Chi Minh City about 75 kilometers to the north-west, you'll find Ku Chi tunnels that were once of the most important means of resistance to the French troops, then the United States later. These tunnels were dug by hand completely, to form a very complex network of interlocking multi-level tracks, which stretch for very long distances until the Cambodian border, has a total length of 120 kilometers.
One of the points of entry to the Ku Chi tunnels
One of the points of entry to the Ku Chi tunnels
Level of complexity, and the miracle of engineering, who reached these tunnels unimaginable, it includes meeting rooms, kitchens, medical clinics, schools, and trenches, and even emergency exits, all of which are intended to guerrilla warfare. This was the tunnels deep enough to withstand the devastating aerial bombardment, and was able to withstand long periods of siege, because of what they provide possibilities for self-sufficiency.
You can visit and see all these sights up close, through this private in Vietnam:

5 nights and 6 days in the northern and southern Vietnam

Port Ha Long Bay
Port Ha Long Bay

Discover the north and south of Vietnam in this special offer by 5 nights, which includes a visit Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Ho Chi Minh City, Tay Ninh, Ku Chi tunnels, Mae Tho, and a cruise on the Mekong Delta. Showing 5 nights, with domestic flights, and breakfast, lunch, and tours, and a private shuttle service.

Safari throughout the continent

Safari in Africa, is one of the interesting adventures that everyone should try it even once in a lifetime, whether you're interested in watching documentaries natural, or enthusiasts to maintain a normal life, wherever they exist, or do not care about these things. Regardless of your interest in these things or not, you will feel intense amazement and wonderment during the trip within the confines of the virgin nature, and nature reserves in the East, or South Africa (State), or South Africa.
Trip in a nature reserve
Trip in a nature reserve

The best places for safari

You may find yourself in front of a wide choice in terms of areas that can be performed where the African safari, so it will facilitate a little safari areas across the division into three areas:
East Africa : Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda
South Africa , the state itself
South Africa : Botswana, Namibia, Zambia
Some may prefer to visit the country of one of these countries, while others prefer to combine two or more in a single visit. If you are visiting Africa for the first time, it is advisable to begin the journey to visit the city of Cape Town in South Africa, and tourism in the city itself, then move on to a natural reserves, or the wonderful tourist sites in one other African countries:
Tanzania: spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain on the continent of Africa, and the location of the Great Migration, Serengeti, and the stone city on the island of Zanzibar, and classified as a World Heritage Site.
Kenya:  Massari Mara National Reserve, which is home to an important black, and tigers, and the great migrations. Nairobi is the capital, is also an important tourist destination.
Uganda and Rwanda:  here can visit the Virunga Mountains, to see the mountain gorillas, and the visit of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale National Park (both parks in Uganda), which Tsthran where many types of chimpanzees.
South Africa: Table Mountain in Cape Town, and Waynlandz, and the town Stelinboutc, and Kruger National Park, which Aaa "stalk the Big Five."
Botswana: Okavango Delta and the Kalahari Desert, and the Chobe National Park, which is famous for its abundant herds of elephants.
Namibia: the largest nature reserve in Africa, Park Namib-Naukluft National, and Park Etosha National, which is known for easily wide, and the region of Damaraland, which is known for the presence of fossils of plants old in it, can also here the scenes and learn about the elephants desert rare, and visit the park Skeleton Coast National.
Zambia: Park South Luangwa National Park and Lower Zambezi National where wildlife can be seen on the northern banks of the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls stunning located on the border with Zimbabwe.
A black in Kruger National Park
A black in Kruger National Park 

The best time to go to Africa this

The dry season from June to November, is the best time to visit these wonderful places, especially when the waves begin annual migration of wild animals, Masai Mara in Kenya between July and October. Seasons include the annual migration of the nearly two million wildebeest and zebras.
Avoid months April, May, November and December, because the rains profusely in these times of the year, resulting in the closure of most of the camps and stop the most trips.
Mtnoh Kruger National
 Mtnoh Kruger National

Health Information

The majority of African countries, except the countries of North Africa, and South Africa, and Lesotho, are prone to malaria, so it is strongly recommended, visit the doctor and get drugs for the disease, before traveling.It is also necessary that you are taking this medication for two weeks before and during the flight, and even for two weeks after your return. This may seem a long time, but should not be the default in the health and safety precautions never.
You should also get a yellow fever vaccine, if you intend to visit Tanzania and Kenya, coming from one of the countries that are prone to this disease. Are advised to get the vaccine if you are departing from the UAE, or one of the other countries in the Middle East. Also advised to get booster doses, for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, tetanus, polio, and all other vaccines for children.
Use insect repellent strong booster b DEET, from the time of sunset to sunrise.S evil yourself mosquito bites by sleeping under a mosquito net, and prefers to sleep long-sleeved shirts, and pants. Drink only bottled water, and provided by the hotel or hostels, and be sure to carry sufficient quantities of them during your travels in natural reserves.

Things that must Todebha

Here are some of the purposes and the necessary tools in any trip to Africa:
  •  Camera, with several memory cards and extra batteries, or charger.
  •  Transformers private travel; used European countries European electrical systems.
  •  Insect repellent, and anti-malarial drugs (see the health information for more details).
  •  Sterile immediate hands, wipes and anti-bacterial.
  •  Meshaal.
  •  And means of protection from the sun: skin cream, and lip balm, sunglasses and a hat
  •  And means of protection from the wind: and scarf to protect from dust-laden wind waves.
  •  First aid kit (the hotels often provide all that is necessary for first aid, but reserve duty!).
Simbafaty River Inn
 Simbafaty River Inn

Choose the most suitable offer for you

Due to the multiplicity of options available with regard to the African safari, the process of planning for a successful trip may be a bit tricky. Here's an appropriate proposal to enter into the world of safari and African nature reserves. The second proposal is also suitable for those who wish to see the "Big Five stalk." Will relate to love these trips once tried for the first time!

Showing 4 nights in Tanzania

Service includes transportation, domestic flights, meals and drinks, and tours in the nature reserve
This offer includes a wonderful bouquet of trips and activities, and stay for four nights in Tanzania, which is very ideal for travelers who want a trip that combines absolute luxury and environmentally-friendly tourism. Enjoy a fun trip bus stations, Kzaarh coffee farm outside the city of Arusha, and trips in protected natural Grometa.
Asking Price is AED 7262 per night, which is dedicated to two adults. For reservations and inquiries, please contact the 0,097,143,751,326.

Showing 6 nights in Cape Town and Kruger

Service includes transportation, domestic flights, and a bunch of meals, and city tours, trips in protected natural

Simbafaty River Inn
Simbafaty River Inn
A valuable opportunity to discover and learn about the city of Cape Town, and Kruger National Park with the show, which includes the establishment of an amazing 6 nights. Age will spend the holiday in a beautiful country, through a tour of the city, Table Mountain, and the head of the Cape, and the Cape Peninsula, and the tour for a full day in and Aanlandz. Will spend the coolest times even before the safari, when the time comes to pick the coolest souvenir pictures rare in Kruger National Park! Where you will enjoy the sights, "prey" Big Five rare white and black, in their native habitat.